Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Ride of Pink Death

As if a 18.5 hour bus ride (Lima-Cuzco) is not bad enough...

  1. We were delayed because the Cruz del Sur bus (probably the best transport firm in Peru) blew some internal hose, so it turned into a 24-hour nightmare.
  2. Worse yet, I knew that South American buses play movies, but I was NOT prepared for the 14 hour assault. First, I had planned to ignore the films and read Moby Dick, but the sound is played via the speakers, not headphones making it misery to try and read. Second, it was a nonstop barrage of terrible chick flicks. I thought we´d at least have a Rambo or Rocky thrown in.
The Pink Death:
  • 13 Going On 30 (D+); Meh. At least Garner is a looker.
  • Wicker Park (D-); Lame ´plot twist´ romance. WAY too much furrowed brow of Josh Hartnett.
  • Just My Luck (D+); This one was a hit with the Peruvians onboard, and I fail to understand why.
  • Step Up (B-); not half-bad. Hollywood has found the one white boy in America who can dance.
  • A film, of unknown title, that I shall call the Matthew McConaughey fest (F); it was a PTSD-inducing experience that I would not wish upon anyone, except for Robert Mugabe.
  • Maid in Manhattan (C+); a generous grade, but you could at least root for J.lo
  • Cruz del Sur promotional ¨See Peru¨ video (A); Featured a smoking hot host/model, who would periodically take off her clothes and roll around for sponsoring tourist activities. It is official: there is at least one hot girl in Peru.
This is one bus ride, that my main woman, Josh Harder, is going to dig. Unfortunately, I´m taking the bus back too, as it´s $140 cheaper than flying. Oh, the horror. I have 10 days to detox. Oh, the horror.


  1. I think in my bus rides throughout Ecuador I've seen every Sylvester Stallone movie EVER. And I've never seen a chick flick...just Man on Fire or the entire Rambo series or any other ridiculous action I'm so sorry.

  2. Oh, and on election day last year, on the channel where they had news every half hour they were playing Maid in Manhattan. I was desperate to have an inkling as to what was going on in my country.
